

Carry sheet stretcher ประเทศไทย

Admit it, the first thing that pops in your head when you think hospital or worst yet going to a doctor is of course,,, sitting down on these little ugly wheel chairs and just… rolling away! This is basically what we expect, isn't it? However, what if there was a means for transporting patients that would be simpler and less painful as well? This is where the carry sheet stretcher steps in! By using this solution, JIEKANG MEDICAL medical spine board stretcher will be more practical to relocate patients as well and the staff can easily shuffle personnel around acuity areas safely optimizing patient care.

Easy to carry, lightweight and durable for frequent use.

The sheet stretchers… are exactly how they sound, a special sheet that you could use to transport a patient from one spot to the next. My hope is that this clarifies the difference and it isn your basic sheet all of us have on our beds at home. A durable stretcher that medical workers can use with ease multiple times. JIEKANG MEDICAL เปลหามกระดานกระดูกสันหลัง is so light that they can carry it with them wherever. Hence, the carry sheet stretcher is always ready to assist in moving these patients thus making it a must-have device for doctors and nurses.

Why choose JIEKANG MEDICAL Carry sheet stretcher?



