One of the issues is that in Bolivia being well prepared for emergencies can be extremely important. First aid kits: Emergencies never inform before coming so we keep them out in our stock. Introduction A first aid kit is a set of few things that ...
MEHR ANZEIGENWhat about the emergencies? Not only are accidents bound to occur eventually, but it is critical you are prepared for them when they inevitably do. But, keeping a first aid box full of good supplies may give you an edge in the event that injuries ...
MEHR ANZEIGENHave you heard of a finger splint? A finger splint is a type of tool that has been specifically created to aid in the healing and protection process of injured or hurt fingers. When you damage or if your finger is sore, doing something with that s...
MEHR ANZEIGENAber Mann, dieser Finger tut weh, wenn man ihn zertrümmert. Diese Art von Verletzungen kann schmerzhaft sein, und manchmal ist eine Schiene erforderlich, um die Heilung des Fingers zu unterstützen. Eine Schiene von JIEKANG MEDICAL is very important to hold the finger steady...
MEHR ANZEIGENWenn Sie gerne unter freiem Himmel campen, lange Wanderungen unternehmen oder hohe Berge besteigen, wissen Sie bestimmt, wie wichtig es ist, die richtige Ausrüstung dabei zu haben. Rettungsdecke von JIEKANG MEDIZINISCH. MEHR ANZEIGEN
So wählen Sie einen Hersteller für Beinschienen aus: Tipps und Tricks
If you are experiencing a leg injury and need a leg splint, it can be overwhelming to decide which manufacturer to choose from. With JIEKANG MEDICAL so many options out the...
MEHR ANZEIGENAt the other side emergency space blankets are also very important for providing warmth and protection in various situations. These ultra-insulating blankets - also called mylar or space blankets - are composed of a thin, heat-reflective metalized...
MEHR ANZEIGENSpace blankets, survival blanket or emergency-blanket into any prepper gear to keep warm in extreme conditions. These continuing mission to take those original blankets, make them so lightweight and small as possible, this allows for these amazing...
MEHR ANZEIGENFingerschienen für eine intelligente Heilung
If you jam your finger, it can be quite painful and limit the ways in which you move that hand. Thankfully, a finger splint can alleviate some of your suffering as soon as the injured digits take time to heal...
MEHR ANZEIGENDie 5 besten Hersteller von Krankenhausbetten
Looking for the best hospital bed manufacturers? Well, look no further! We will be focusing on the top 5 hospital bed manufacturers that have successfully maintained standard and safety, as well as innovati...